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nilup is an installer and version manager for the Nillion SDK

To install nilup, run:

For the security-conscious, please download the script, so that you can inspect how it works, before piping it to bash.

curl | bash

If you install the Nillion SDK using nilup, all the Nillion SDK commands will be managed by nilup, which will pick the version to use based on the next order, from highest to lowest priority: the +<version> flag, the nil-sdk.toml file, and the global version set with the use command.

+<version> flag

When you call any Nillion SDK command like nada you can add a +<version> argument to use that version of nada. For example if you run nada +0.0.4 init will run nada version 0.0.4.

nil-sdk.toml file

If there is a nil-sdk.toml or .nil-sdk.toml file in the current directory or parent directories, the Nillion SDK commands will use the version specified in that file.

The file should have the following format:

version = "{version}"

Global version

If no version is specified in the command or in the nil-sdk.toml file, the Nillion SDK commands will use the global version set with the use command. You can set the global version with the command

nilup use {version}


Usage: nilup <COMMAND>

install Install a version of the Nillion SDK
uninstall Uninstall a version of the Nillion SDK
use Set a global version of the Nillion SDK to be used
list-available List available versions of the Nillion SDK
list-installed List installed versions of the Nillion SDK
instrumentation Enable/Disable instrumentation
shell-completions Generate shell completions
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version